Sesungguhnya hidup akan lebih mudah dan indah apabila kita mampu menyederhanakan segala persoalan. Pertanyaannya bisakah aku, kamu, kita ataupun kalian melakukannya? Seharusnya kita semua bisa. Mengapa? Karena tak ada yang tak mungkin bagi hati yang berkemauan.
Apabila kita dihadapkan pada persoalan yang pelik dan rumit dan kita ingin menyerderhanakannya maka mungkin saja langkah yang harus kita tempuh juga akan sama rumitnya bahkan terkadang akan lebih rumit. Namun sesungguhnya tak ada yang rumit bila kita mau berpikir jernih dengan nalar dan akal yang sehat. Kuncinya adalah ketenangan jiwa. Sebaiknya tidak terburu nafsu dan segera mengambil keputusan saat kita berada dalam kondisi panik. Step back, mundur sejenak, tarik nafas dalam-dalam, berusahalah untuk relax dan renungkanlah. Redakan terlebih dahulu gejolak emosi yang melanda. Saat kondisi jiwa kita mulai tenang maka segala logika akan tampak nyata. Logika akan menuntun kita untuk melihat segala sesuatunya secara utuh. Jika kita bisa melihat gambaran penuh atas setiap persoalan maka tak akan ada lagi kerumitan. Kita akan mampu menguraikan segala macam bentuk kekusutan dan membuatnya menjadi sebuah simpul sederhana.
Semudah itukah?
Hmmm... iya asal kau berkemauan dan bisa setenang mungkin. Itulah mengapa orang yang arif kebanyakan memiliki kepribadian tenang laksana telaga yang sunyi, nyaris seperti tak memiliki persoalan saja mereka kelihatannya. Namun sesungguhnya tak ada manusia yang tak memiliki problema. Semuanya pasti punya persoalan hanya saja bagaimana cara mereka menyikapinya.
Namun benarkah bahwa setiap persoalan dapat disederhanakan?
Mungkin saja. Mengapa? Karena kadang kala ada persoalan yang memang sama sekali tak akan bisa kita urai, tak bisa dilogika, apalagi dicari jalan keluarnya. Namun kita masih bisa membuatnya menjadi lebih sederhana. Bagaimana caranya? Sebenarnya sederhana saja. Kuncinya doa dan sabar. Biarkan saja. Diamkan saja. Tak usah kau anggap itu sebagai masalah. Berpasrah dan berserah diri sepenuhnya pada Rabb Yang Maha Kuasa. Yakinlah persoalanmu akan terurai dengan sendirinya. Biarkan Dia yang menjawab dan menyelesaikannya. Kadang kala memang hanya itu langkah yang mungkin dan bisa kita tempuh. Karena kita hanya hamba yang memiliki keterbatasan. Biarkanlah tangan-Nya yang bekerja. Sederhana bukan? Lalu mengapa kau masih saja menganggapnya rumit? Semuanya menjadi sedemikian sederhana bukan?
Namun tunggu dulu. Tak semua orang bisa seperti ini. Tak sedikit pula orang yang justru punya kecenderungan untuk selalu memperumit masalah. Mereka akan membuat setiap persoalan menjadi semakin rumit dan bertele-tele. Hal yang paling sepelepun bisa jadi teramat sangat rumit dan pelik bagi mereka. Ribet sekali tampaknya. Bisa kau bayangkan betapa teramat sangat pelik dan menyedihkan kehidupan mereka ini. Hidup mereka layaknya seperti bencana saja. Penuh keluh kesah tanpa henti. Merana sekali tampaknya. Tersenyumpun akan terasa susah dan andaipun bisa akan tampak saja pahit rupanya.
Aku yakin kalian pasti tak mau masuk ke golongan orang-orang ini bukan?
Nah tunggu apalagi? Jika kalian ingin berbahagia dan hidup penuh ketenangan, mulailah untuk menyederhanakan segala hal. Mulailah dari hal yang kecil. Mulailah dari sekarang. Meski kadang kala harus kita akui bahwa menyederhanakan itu tak sederhana. Namun janganlah pula kau bilang rumit bilamana kau belum pernah mencobanya. Let's live our life in simply and happily way. Let's live it 'till the fullest.
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Laili's World
Ceritaku tentang dunia, rasaku, dan rasa kalian
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Sebuah Perenungan: Menyederhanakan yang Tak Sederhana
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Suryati Arifatul Laili
9:31 PM
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Kontemplasi Diri
Saturday, September 22, 2012
God Had Sent You With A Purpose (A Note to Everyone Who Had Left Something Good Into My Life)
Did you believe that whenever God sends someone to come into your life, He has a purpose? I do believe it. Yeah, that's true; and how about you? Do you believe it as well?
Whenever I looked back to the past then I do realize that everyone who has comes into my life has left something personal. Several had left something really worth to remind and special although sometimes it's just a small thing to remember or even at some points it's meaningless but at least there is something left.
I don't know why suddenly this day I really want to write this post. Yeaah, I want to write something about you although in reality I don't think that you even remembered that you had ever entered my life hehehe... But It's fine. It's just a short period of my life. Our togetherness had been took place only in a short time. But there is something really special that you had left it for me.
You always say that in life we should create something special, nailed it down, crafted it, make something huge so that in the future once you died everybody will always remember your name. Of course what we talked over here is about creating something positive and meaningful to others.
You had taught me is on how we should live our life until the fullest. Otherwise we won't be able to enjoy our life in joyful way. Live like you will live forever ever and after, like you won't be dead at all. Live your dream limitless. Whenever you have a dream you should make a picture of it, set up your mind set into it then create a pathway to seize it.
Last but not least, how far you had went away or run through, you must remember our life in this world is just temporary phase while our eternity future awaits (akhirat kampung kembali). As a moslem we must fulfill our responsibility to pray 5 times a day and complete it with sunnah worship. Our prophet Muhammad has left a message to us, If you want to be safe and get salvation then you should follow Al Quran and As Sunnah.
Lastly, I want to say Alhamdulillah and thank you to all of you who had left something worth in my life. May Alloh's blessing will always be with you. Baarokalloh....
Whenever I looked back to the past then I do realize that everyone who has comes into my life has left something personal. Several had left something really worth to remind and special although sometimes it's just a small thing to remember or even at some points it's meaningless but at least there is something left.
I don't know why suddenly this day I really want to write this post. Yeaah, I want to write something about you although in reality I don't think that you even remembered that you had ever entered my life hehehe... But It's fine. It's just a short period of my life. Our togetherness had been took place only in a short time. But there is something really special that you had left it for me.
You always say that in life we should create something special, nailed it down, crafted it, make something huge so that in the future once you died everybody will always remember your name. Of course what we talked over here is about creating something positive and meaningful to others.
You had taught me is on how we should live our life until the fullest. Otherwise we won't be able to enjoy our life in joyful way. Live like you will live forever ever and after, like you won't be dead at all. Live your dream limitless. Whenever you have a dream you should make a picture of it, set up your mind set into it then create a pathway to seize it.
Last but not least, how far you had went away or run through, you must remember our life in this world is just temporary phase while our eternity future awaits (akhirat kampung kembali). As a moslem we must fulfill our responsibility to pray 5 times a day and complete it with sunnah worship. Our prophet Muhammad has left a message to us, If you want to be safe and get salvation then you should follow Al Quran and As Sunnah.
Lastly, I want to say Alhamdulillah and thank you to all of you who had left something worth in my life. May Alloh's blessing will always be with you. Baarokalloh....
Posted by
Suryati Arifatul Laili
2:19 PM
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Catatan Harian
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Over The Rainbow: My Adventure to Find Out The Rainbow Cake
I bet all of you had ever heard about "Rainbow Cake", a cake which has rainbow color, very attractive and looks so delicious. It has been several months I felt so curious about this kind of cake as I wasn't able to find it all around Lippo Karawaci. Sometimes this cake also became a tending topic among my office colleagues during lunch time.
Can you imagine guys, my curiosity had became untenable day by day. I felt like freaking lady whenever passed by a bakery store. I always looked through and try to find out whether they sell this "Rainbow Cake" or not. You might bet the answer. Yes, you're right guys!
"Sorry we are not selling this kind of cake".
This always had been their answer. Yeaaaaah, it think my adventure is not going to be ended up soon unless I change the place where I should search.
Yesterday I went out to Jakarta to meet one of my close friend. I told her my curiosity regarding this "Rainbow Cake".
She just laughed and said, "Hay... common you live nearby Jakarta and had never ever tasted this cake while in reality it's easy to find everywhere".
"I knew it but did you know none over Lippo Karawaci!" I told her.
"Oh really??? How come???" She is surprised.
"Yeah, that's true!"
"Okay, then today we will find it for you"
"Yippiee, but please I want the best one."
"Yeah, I heard that in Union, Plaza Senayan, they had this cake and it's the best one."
Then we go to Plaza Senayan to search "Union Cafe" and expecting to get this cake there. Unfortunately once we arrived there, they said that they didn't make and sell it. Before leaving Union, we tried to look around and saw that this cafe is really full and crowded, seems that the cake and service is really good. I think that's the reason why this cafe is so famous and lots of people want to come over again and again but you should prove it by yourself as it was just my assumption, since I just stopped by and haven't tried anything there :))
After a few moment of sight seeing then we decided to search it at another bakery store or cafe. Then taraaaaaaaaa.... we found it at Eaton Bakery. Finally the famous rainbow cake already on my hand and I'm ready to try it.
I cut it down and let it entered my mouth, chewed it a few moment and tasted it. Hmmm.... You know guys Rainbow cake taste is delicious, but it is not as delicious as its name. For me, it's just a regular sponge cake with sugar icing (cream on it). But children will love it for sure, since its taste is sweet and you see it's so colorful and very attractive. Yeah, frankly speaking I prefer tiramisu cake :D
I also bought "Steamed Green Tea Bread" and they categorized this bread as healthy bread. As you know, usually healthy food is not delicious but this bread I really recommend it. Its texture is really smooth and melted in your tongue. It's delicious and also healthy. You should try it. This is it (Ups... sorry It's a little bit messy as I've eaten it a half LOL) :DDD
Yeah at least I've tried this "Rainbow Cake" and no more curiosity. My next objection is to find out "The Red Velvet Cake", they said it's even more delicious. Let's just figure out how is its taste! Maybe next week ;)
Have a nice weekend guys! :)
Can you imagine guys, my curiosity had became untenable day by day. I felt like freaking lady whenever passed by a bakery store. I always looked through and try to find out whether they sell this "Rainbow Cake" or not. You might bet the answer. Yes, you're right guys!
"Sorry we are not selling this kind of cake".
This always had been their answer. Yeaaaaah, it think my adventure is not going to be ended up soon unless I change the place where I should search.
Yesterday I went out to Jakarta to meet one of my close friend. I told her my curiosity regarding this "Rainbow Cake".
She just laughed and said, "Hay... common you live nearby Jakarta and had never ever tasted this cake while in reality it's easy to find everywhere".
"I knew it but did you know none over Lippo Karawaci!" I told her.
"Oh really??? How come???" She is surprised.
"Yeah, that's true!"
"Okay, then today we will find it for you"
"Yippiee, but please I want the best one."
"Yeah, I heard that in Union, Plaza Senayan, they had this cake and it's the best one."
Then we go to Plaza Senayan to search "Union Cafe" and expecting to get this cake there. Unfortunately once we arrived there, they said that they didn't make and sell it. Before leaving Union, we tried to look around and saw that this cafe is really full and crowded, seems that the cake and service is really good. I think that's the reason why this cafe is so famous and lots of people want to come over again and again but you should prove it by yourself as it was just my assumption, since I just stopped by and haven't tried anything there :))
After a few moment of sight seeing then we decided to search it at another bakery store or cafe. Then taraaaaaaaaa.... we found it at Eaton Bakery. Finally the famous rainbow cake already on my hand and I'm ready to try it.
I cut it down and let it entered my mouth, chewed it a few moment and tasted it. Hmmm.... You know guys Rainbow cake taste is delicious, but it is not as delicious as its name. For me, it's just a regular sponge cake with sugar icing (cream on it). But children will love it for sure, since its taste is sweet and you see it's so colorful and very attractive. Yeah, frankly speaking I prefer tiramisu cake :D
I also bought "Steamed Green Tea Bread" and they categorized this bread as healthy bread. As you know, usually healthy food is not delicious but this bread I really recommend it. Its texture is really smooth and melted in your tongue. It's delicious and also healthy. You should try it. This is it (Ups... sorry It's a little bit messy as I've eaten it a half LOL) :DDD
Yeah at least I've tried this "Rainbow Cake" and no more curiosity. My next objection is to find out "The Red Velvet Cake", they said it's even more delicious. Let's just figure out how is its taste! Maybe next week ;)
Have a nice weekend guys! :)
Posted by
Suryati Arifatul Laili
10:48 AM
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Catatan Harian
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Renungan Ramadhan: Antara Doa dan Usaha
Kala itu malam tengah merajuk manja merdu merayu sang bulan agar melaju perlahan. Rupanyanya dia masih ingin bercengkerama dengan Sang Senja yang tak pernah bisa dia temui secara lama. Pertemuan mereka meski hanya sejenak setiap harinya, namun senantiasa meninggalkan kesan mendalam di antara keduanya.
"Wahai Sang Bulan berilah waktu sedikit lebih lama untuk kami kali ini." Rajuk Sang Malam merdu merayu.
"Baiklah tapi bantu aku merayu Sang Awan untuk menutupi aku sejenak. Bila tidak aku bisa kena masalah nanti. Tidak setiap hari aku bisa melanggar aturan Sang Waktu, Malam." Sahut Sang Bulan.
" Terima kasih atas pengertianmu, duhai Bulan. Aku sudah memikirkannya dan Sang Awanpun telah siap membantu." Sang Malam tersenyum ceria demi mendengar permohonannya dikabulkan oleh Sang Bulan.
Aku mengamati percakapan mereka dari balik jendela kamar sembari tersenyum. Namun begitulah realita kehidupan. Tak senantiasa seiring dan sejalan dengan harapan kita. Namun sesungguhnya akan selalu ada celah dan jalan bagi kita untuk memperjuangkannya. Petunjuk dan jalan akan senantiasa terbuka bagi yang percaya dan mau berusaha. Bukankah Dia telah berjanji seperti tersurat dalam firman-Nya:
....Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri.... (QS Ar Ra'du ayat 11)
Bilamana Sang Pencipta sudah berjanji maka sesungguhnya kau tak perlu ragu atau bimbang. Kau hanya perlu sedikit lebih berusaha. Sesungguhnya doa saja tak akan cukup, kau juga perlu berusaha. Namun usaha tanpa doa juga akan kurang rasanya. Usaha tanpa doa apabila mendatangkan keberhasilan akan melenakan, membuat kita lupa dan takabur. Sehingga perlu ada keseimbangan di antara keduanya agar kita senantiasa menjadi makhluk yang bersyukur. Sesungguhnya syukur akan menambah nikmat dan berkah. Semoga kita senantiasa termasuk sebagai golongan hamba yang bersyukur.
"Wahai Sang Bulan berilah waktu sedikit lebih lama untuk kami kali ini." Rajuk Sang Malam merdu merayu.
"Baiklah tapi bantu aku merayu Sang Awan untuk menutupi aku sejenak. Bila tidak aku bisa kena masalah nanti. Tidak setiap hari aku bisa melanggar aturan Sang Waktu, Malam." Sahut Sang Bulan.
" Terima kasih atas pengertianmu, duhai Bulan. Aku sudah memikirkannya dan Sang Awanpun telah siap membantu." Sang Malam tersenyum ceria demi mendengar permohonannya dikabulkan oleh Sang Bulan.
Aku mengamati percakapan mereka dari balik jendela kamar sembari tersenyum. Namun begitulah realita kehidupan. Tak senantiasa seiring dan sejalan dengan harapan kita. Namun sesungguhnya akan selalu ada celah dan jalan bagi kita untuk memperjuangkannya. Petunjuk dan jalan akan senantiasa terbuka bagi yang percaya dan mau berusaha. Bukankah Dia telah berjanji seperti tersurat dalam firman-Nya:
....Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri.... (QS Ar Ra'du ayat 11)
Bilamana Sang Pencipta sudah berjanji maka sesungguhnya kau tak perlu ragu atau bimbang. Kau hanya perlu sedikit lebih berusaha. Sesungguhnya doa saja tak akan cukup, kau juga perlu berusaha. Namun usaha tanpa doa juga akan kurang rasanya. Usaha tanpa doa apabila mendatangkan keberhasilan akan melenakan, membuat kita lupa dan takabur. Sehingga perlu ada keseimbangan di antara keduanya agar kita senantiasa menjadi makhluk yang bersyukur. Sesungguhnya syukur akan menambah nikmat dan berkah. Semoga kita senantiasa termasuk sebagai golongan hamba yang bersyukur.
Posted by
Suryati Arifatul Laili
5:43 AM
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Kontemplasi Diri
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I've Learned
(This text, which I found on the Internet, is attributed to me. I did not write it, but I think worth reproducing here)
I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them;
I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back;
I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
I’ve learned that you can get by on charm, for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something;
I’ve learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I’ve learned that no matter how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take it’s place.
I’ve learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re downhill are the ones to help you get back up.
I’ve learned that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry.
I’ve learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I’ve learned that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean that they don’t love you with all they have.
I’ve learned that maturity had more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.
I’ve learned that your family won’t always be there for you.
I’ve learned that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while.
I’ve learned that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to forgive yourself.
I’ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.
I’ve learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I’ve learned that just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do.
I’ve learned that we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I’ve learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I’ve learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will get hurt in the process.
I’ve learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you.
I’ve learned that it’s hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them;
I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back;
I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
I’ve learned that you can get by on charm, for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something;
I’ve learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I’ve learned that no matter how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take it’s place.
I’ve learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re downhill are the ones to help you get back up.
I’ve learned that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry.
I’ve learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I’ve learned that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean that they don’t love you with all they have.
I’ve learned that maturity had more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.
I’ve learned that your family won’t always be there for you.
I’ve learned that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while.
I’ve learned that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to forgive yourself.
I’ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.
I’ve learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I’ve learned that just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do.
I’ve learned that we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I’ve learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I’ve learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will get hurt in the process.
I’ve learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you.
I’ve learned that it’s hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
Posted by
Suryati Arifatul Laili
12:22 AM
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Kontemplasi Diri
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Merindui Ayah
Bagiku Ayah adalah sosok yang kukenal lewat selembar foto masa silam kala beliau masih bersama Bunda, lalu seiring waktu akupun lebih mengakrabi Ayah lewat sepenggal cerita dari Bunda. Mengapa demikian? Karena ayahku telah pergi jauh sebelum kelahiranku.
Dahulu bila rinduku pada Ayah membuncah, akupun akan meminta Bunda bercerita tentangnya, lalu bundakupun akan memulai dan mengulangi cerita yang sama. Bunda senantiasa bercerita bahwasanya Ayah adalah sosok yang penyayang, perhatian, penyabar, serta pintar dan tiap kali Bunda memotong kuku tangan dan kakiku, beliau akan berujar, "Nduk, bentuk jari kaki dan tanganmu sangat mirip dengan Ayahmu, kulitmu juga warisan dari Ayahmu." Memang bila memperhatikan kulit Bunda yang sawo matang, bisa dipastikan kalau kulit kuning langsatku adalah warisan dari Ayah.
Selembar foto yang makin menua itu kini kusimpan rapat-rapat dalam sebuah kotak. Kotak itu kusimpan dengan rapih agar tak seorangpun tahu bahwa aku masih menyimpan gambar ayah disana. Yah....tak seorangpun tahu, bahkan Bundapun tak tahu. Apalagi semenjak kepergian Bunda, rasanya hampir semua orang melarangku untuk mengenang ataupun merindui ayah. Mereka selalu beralasan bahwa mengenang ayah hanya akan membuatku semakin sedih. Mereka tak pernah sedikitpun tahu bahwa larangan mereka itulah yang justru membuatku makin sedih. Meski bertahun-tahun aku berusaha untuk melupakan ayah, namun rasanya itu tak pernah bisa kulakukan.
Saat aku menginjak dewasa, kerinduanku pada Ayahpun semakin membuncah. Kerinduan yang selalu membuatku bingung pada siapakah harus kusampaikan? Semakin lama kutahan, semakin sakit pula aku karena rindu ini!
"Rindu itu seperti api di dalam sekam, makin lama kurasakan semakin membara membakar dadaku."
Pada akhirnya dalam pencarianku akan sosok ayah, akupun bertemu dengan dia. Sesosok 'ayah' yang kucari. Beliau adalah sosok yang cool, jaim, spontan, kharismatik namun tak pernah kehilangan selera humor, pintar, dan handal, rasanya tak ada persoalan yang buntu bila aku lari padanya. Semakin hari kurasa aku semakin menyayanginya. Dia tahu kapan saat dia harus membelai kepalaku, menuntunku saat aku tak tahu jalan. Diapun tahu kapan saat dia harus memelukku, meraih kepalaku dan menyandarkannya di dadanya. Saat itulah akupun yakin bahwa diapun menyayangiku dan senantiasa siap sedia untukku.
"Dalam pelukanmu kurasakan kehangatan, ketulusan kasih dan perlindunganmu padaku dan aku senantiasa berterima kasih atas semua rasa ini"
Kadang dalam diam saat kami bersama, ingin rasanya aku bertanya bilamana beliau bersedia menjadi Ayahku? Sehingga aku bisa setiap saat aku bisa memeluknya tanpa merasa canggung bila ada orang yang asing, akupun akan merasa bebas membanggakan dan memamerkan dia pada siapapun tanpa kerlingan heran dari mereka.
Untukmu 'Ayah', hadirmu adalah wujud doaku akan sosok 'Ayahku'. Bagiku merinduimu seperti merindui Ayahku, namun rindu ini terasa nyata dan pengobatnyapun nyata pula. Kebersamaan kita adalah momen berharga yang akan selalu kuhargai dan kurindui. Terima kasih atas segala kasih dan ketulusanmu. Semoga berkah dan rahmat Alloh akan senantiasa menyertai langkahmu.
Dahulu bila rinduku pada Ayah membuncah, akupun akan meminta Bunda bercerita tentangnya, lalu bundakupun akan memulai dan mengulangi cerita yang sama. Bunda senantiasa bercerita bahwasanya Ayah adalah sosok yang penyayang, perhatian, penyabar, serta pintar dan tiap kali Bunda memotong kuku tangan dan kakiku, beliau akan berujar, "Nduk, bentuk jari kaki dan tanganmu sangat mirip dengan Ayahmu, kulitmu juga warisan dari Ayahmu." Memang bila memperhatikan kulit Bunda yang sawo matang, bisa dipastikan kalau kulit kuning langsatku adalah warisan dari Ayah.
Selembar foto yang makin menua itu kini kusimpan rapat-rapat dalam sebuah kotak. Kotak itu kusimpan dengan rapih agar tak seorangpun tahu bahwa aku masih menyimpan gambar ayah disana. Yah....tak seorangpun tahu, bahkan Bundapun tak tahu. Apalagi semenjak kepergian Bunda, rasanya hampir semua orang melarangku untuk mengenang ataupun merindui ayah. Mereka selalu beralasan bahwa mengenang ayah hanya akan membuatku semakin sedih. Mereka tak pernah sedikitpun tahu bahwa larangan mereka itulah yang justru membuatku makin sedih. Meski bertahun-tahun aku berusaha untuk melupakan ayah, namun rasanya itu tak pernah bisa kulakukan.
Saat aku menginjak dewasa, kerinduanku pada Ayahpun semakin membuncah. Kerinduan yang selalu membuatku bingung pada siapakah harus kusampaikan? Semakin lama kutahan, semakin sakit pula aku karena rindu ini!
"Rindu itu seperti api di dalam sekam, makin lama kurasakan semakin membara membakar dadaku."
Pada akhirnya dalam pencarianku akan sosok ayah, akupun bertemu dengan dia. Sesosok 'ayah' yang kucari. Beliau adalah sosok yang cool, jaim, spontan, kharismatik namun tak pernah kehilangan selera humor, pintar, dan handal, rasanya tak ada persoalan yang buntu bila aku lari padanya. Semakin hari kurasa aku semakin menyayanginya. Dia tahu kapan saat dia harus membelai kepalaku, menuntunku saat aku tak tahu jalan. Diapun tahu kapan saat dia harus memelukku, meraih kepalaku dan menyandarkannya di dadanya. Saat itulah akupun yakin bahwa diapun menyayangiku dan senantiasa siap sedia untukku.
"Dalam pelukanmu kurasakan kehangatan, ketulusan kasih dan perlindunganmu padaku dan aku senantiasa berterima kasih atas semua rasa ini"
Kadang dalam diam saat kami bersama, ingin rasanya aku bertanya bilamana beliau bersedia menjadi Ayahku? Sehingga aku bisa setiap saat aku bisa memeluknya tanpa merasa canggung bila ada orang yang asing, akupun akan merasa bebas membanggakan dan memamerkan dia pada siapapun tanpa kerlingan heran dari mereka.
Untukmu 'Ayah', hadirmu adalah wujud doaku akan sosok 'Ayahku'. Bagiku merinduimu seperti merindui Ayahku, namun rindu ini terasa nyata dan pengobatnyapun nyata pula. Kebersamaan kita adalah momen berharga yang akan selalu kuhargai dan kurindui. Terima kasih atas segala kasih dan ketulusanmu. Semoga berkah dan rahmat Alloh akan senantiasa menyertai langkahmu.
Posted by
Suryati Arifatul Laili
10:58 PM
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- Suryati Arifatul Laili
- Hi my name is Laili. I'm just a person who try to live in simply and happily way; make it 'till the fullest, really enjoy reading and writing as well as a cup coffee :)
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